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Manifestation: what is it exactly?

Saar Sanchez

Monday 17 Jan

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Monday 17 Jan

Manifestation is a powerful concept that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves the idea that we can create our reality through our thoughts and beliefs. By focusing on our intentions and beliefs, we can attract positive experiences and outcomes into our lives. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of manifestation, how it works, and how you can start manifesting your desires.

Manifestation is based on the Law of Attraction, which is the idea that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on and give attention to. The Law of Attraction has been around for centuries and has been discussed in various spiritual and philosophical traditions.

The concept of manifestation is all about creating a mindset and a belief system that attracts the experiences and outcomes that you desire. It involves using your thoughts and emotions to create a clear and specific vision of what you want to achieve. By focusing on this vision and believing that it is already yours, you can attract the necessary opportunities, resources, and people that will help you achieve your goals.

How Does Manifestation Work?

At its core, manifestation is about aligning your thoughts and emotions with the energy of the universe. The universe is made up of energy, and this energy is constantly moving and changing. By aligning your thoughts and emotions with the energy of the universe, you can tap into this energy and manifest your desires.

To understand how manifestation works, it’s important to understand the role that your thoughts and emotions play in shaping your reality. Our thoughts and emotions are powerful energy fields that have the ability to influence the world around us. When we focus on positive thoughts and emotions, we send out positive energy into the universe, and we attract positive experiences and outcomes.

On the other hand, when we focus on negative thoughts and emotions, we send out negative energy into the universe, and we attract negative experiences and outcomes. This is why it’s essential to focus on positive thoughts and emotions when practicing manifestation.

How to Manifest Your Desires

Now that you have an understanding of what manifestation is and how it works, it’s time to start manifesting your desires. Here are some simple steps that you can follow to start manifesting your desires:

  1. Get clear on what you want: The first step in manifesting your desires is to get clear on what you want. Be specific and detailed about what you want to achieve. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to attract what you desire.
  2. Believe that it’s already yours: The next step is to believe that what you desire is already yours. Visualize yourself having achieved your goal and feel the emotions that come with it. The more you can embody the feeling of having already achieved your goal, the more likely you are to attract it.
  3. Focus on positive thoughts and emotions: It’s essential to focus on positive thoughts and emotions when practicing manifestation. Surround yourself with positivity and eliminate negativity from your life. This will help you maintain a positive mindset and attract positive experiences and outcomes.
  4. Take action: Manifestation is not just about visualizing your desires. It also involves taking action towards your goals. Take small steps towards your desired outcome and stay open to new opportunities and possibilities that may arise along the way.
  5. Trust the process: Manifestation takes time, and setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of the process. Trust that the universe is working in your favor and that everything is unfolding as it should. Stay patient and persistent, and continue to focus on your intentions.


Manifestation is a powerful tool for creating the life that you desire. By aligning your thoughts and emotions with the energy of the universe, you can tap into the power of manifestation and attract positive experiences and outcomes into your life. Remember to stay focused on your intentions, maintain a positive mindset, and take action towards your goals. With practice and dedication, you can master the art of manifestation and create the life of your dreams.

It’s important to remember that manifestation is not a magic trick or a quick fix for all your problems. It’s a process that requires patience, dedication, and hard work. It also requires a deep understanding of your own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

If you’re new to manifestation, start small and build your way up. Practice manifesting small things like a parking spot or a cup of coffee. As you become more comfortable with the process, you can start manifesting bigger things like a new job or a loving relationship.

Manifestation is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It requires you to confront your fears, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions. By facing these challenges head-on, you can overcome them and create a more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, manifestation is a powerful tool for creating the life that you desire. It involves aligning your thoughts and emotions with the energy of the universe and taking action towards your goals. By staying focused on your intentions, maintaining a positive mindset, and trusting the process, you can manifest your desires and create the life of your dreams. So, start manifesting today and watch as your life transforms before your very eyes!

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